Lhermitte's sign is an uncommon sequel of radiotherapy to the cervical spin
al cord. Although the exact mechanism underlying its occurrence remains unc
lear; it is felt to be the result of a temporary interference with the turn
over and synthesis of myelin, leading to focal demyelination. We have under
taken a detailed analysis of the radiation delivered to four patients who d
eveloped the sign after irradiation for malignancies of the head and neck.
Our data support the view that radiation dose is crucial to its development
, but calculations using the linear-quadratic radiobiological model raise i
nteresting questions regarding the dose-response relationship. In particula
r, we find that calculations of biologically effective doses are predictive
of a late rather than an early normal tissue response. The onset of sympto
ms after irradiation was apparent in all four patients within 4 months, wit
h resolution in all being complete within a further 6 months. The recogniti
on of this benign transient form of radiation-induced paraesthesia and its
differentiation from the later onset, progressive and unremitting symptoms
associated with radiation myelopathy is essential in reassuring patients un
dergoing head and neck irradiation.