Peroxisomes are subcellular organelles and are present in virtually all euk
aryotic cells. Characteristic features of these organelles are their induci
bility and their functional versatility. Their importance in the intermedia
ry metabolism of cells is exemplified by the discovery of several inborn. f
atal peroxisomal errors in man, the so-called peroxisomal disorders. Recent
findings in research on peroxisome biogenesis and function have demonstrat
ed that peroxisomal matrix proteins and peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs
) follow separate pathways to reach their target organelle. This paper addr
esses the principles of PMP sorting and summarizes the current knowledge of
the role of these proteins in organelle biogenesis and function. (C) 2000
Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Sci
ence B.V. All rights reserved.