The movement of interstitial fluids within a cracked solid can have a signi
ficant effect on the properties of seismic waves of long wavelength propaga
ting through the solid. We consider three distinct mechanisms of wave-induc
ed fluid flow: flow through connections between cracks in an otherwise non-
porous material, fluid movement within partially saturated cracks, and diff
usion from the cracks into a porous matrix material. In each case the crack
s may be aligned or randomly oriented, leading, respectively, to anisotropi
c or isotropic wave speeds and attenuation factors. In general, seismic vel
ocities exhibit behaviour that is intermediate between that of empty cracks
and that of isolated liquid-filled cracks if fluid flow is significant. In
the range of frequencies for which considerable fluid flow occurs there is
high attenuation and dispersion of seismic waves. Fluid flow may be on eit
her a wavelength scale or a local scale depending on the model and whether
the cracks are aligned or randomly oriented, resulting in completely differ
ent effects on seismic wave propagation. A numerical analysis shows that al
l models can have an effect over the exploration seismic frequency range.