In the first part of this paper the general perspective of history quantum
theories is reviewed. History quantum theories provide a conceptual and mat
hematical framework for formulating quantum theories without a globally def
ined Hamiltonian time evolution and for introducing the concept of space-ti
me event into quantum theory. On a mathematical level a history quantum the
ory is characterized by the space of histories, which represent the space-t
ime events, and by the space of decoherence functionals, which represent th
e quantum mechanical states in the history approach. The second part of thi
s paper is devoted to the study of the structure of the space of decoherenc
e functionals for some physically reasonable spaces of histories in some de
tail. The temporal reformulation of standard Hamiltonian quantum theories s
uggests to consider the case that the space of histories is given by (i) th
e lattice of projection operators on some Hilbert space or, slightly more g
enerally, (ii) the set of projection operators in some von Neumann algebra.
In the case (i) the conditions are identified under which decoherence func
tionals can be represented by, respectively, trace class operators, bounded
operators, or families of trace class operators on the tensor product of t
he underlying Hilbert space by itself. Moreover, we discuss the naturally a
rising representations of decoherence functionals as sesquilinear forms. Th
e paper ends with a discussion of the consequences of the results for the g
eneral axiomatic framework of history theories.