Functional analysis methodology is a powerful assessment tool for identifyi
ng contingencies that maintain a wide range of behavior disorders and for d
eveloping effective treatment programs. Nevertheless, concerns have been ra
ised about the feasibility of conducting functional analyses in typical sen
ice settings. In this study, we examined the issue of skill acquisition in
implementing functional analyses by evaluating an instructional program de
signed to establish a basic set of competencies. Eleven undergraduate stude
nts enrolled in a laboratory course in applied behavior analysis served as
participants. Their performance was assessed during scripted simulations in
which they played the roles of "therapists" who conducted functional analy
ses and trained graduate students played the roles of "clients" who emitted
self-injurious and destructive behaviors. To approximate conditions under
which an individual might conduct an assessment with limited prior training
, participants read a brief set of materials prior to conducting baseline s
essions. A multiple baseline design was used to assess the effects of train
ing, which consisted of reading additional materials, watching a videotaped
simulation demonstrating correct procedural implementation, passing a writ
ten quiz, and receiving feedback on performance during sessions. Results sh
owed that participants scored a relatively high percentage of correct thera
pist responses during baseline, and that all achieved an accuracy level of
95% or higher following training that lasted about 2 hr. These results sugg
est that basic skills for conducting functional analyses can be acquired qu
ickly by individuals who have relatively little clinical experience.