Purpose, This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound-gui
ded percutaneous core-needle biopsy for establishing histopathologic diagno
ses of palpable enlarged lymph nodes.
Methods. Thirty patients without a history of malignancy or recent infectio
n underwent ultrasound-guided core-needle lymph node biopsies. Only patient
s with enlarged lymph nodes ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 cm in greatest diameter
that had been present for more than 2 months were included in this study.
Two cores from each lymph node were obtained by a freehand core-needle biop
sy technique using a 7-MHz ultrasound transducer and an automatic spring-lo
aded biopsy gun with an 18-gauge cutting needle.
Results. The histologic diagnoses were conclusive in 24 cases (80%) and inc
onclusive in 6 cases (20%). In the 24 conclusive cases, the lymph node enla
rgement was due to benign causes in 12 cases and malignancy in 12 cases. Al
l specimens in the conclusive cases were sufficient for histologic diagnosi
s, but there was insufficient material for a diagnosis in 3 of the inconclu
sive cases. No complications were seen in this series.
Conclusions. Ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes i
s a safe, minimally invasive alternative to surgical biopsy, enabling a his
tologic diagnosis for treatment planning in most cases. (C) 2000 John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.