This study focused on students' ability to predict and postdict test perfor
mance in a classroom context. Ninety-nine undergraduate students participat
ed during a semester-length course in which the relation between self-asses
sment and performance was stressed. Research questions were (a) Can student
s accurately predict test performance? (b) Does accuracy vary with performa
nce? (c) Does prediction accuracy increase over multiple tests? and (d) Do
prior performance and predictions of performance influence subsequent predi
ctions? High-performing students were accurate, with accuracy improving ove
r multiple exams. Low-performing students showed moderate prediction accura
cy but good postdiction accuracy. Lowest performing students showed gross o
verconfidence in predictions and postdictions. Judgments of performance wer
e influenced by prior judgments and not prior performance. Performance and
judgments of performance had little influence on subsequent test preparatio
n behavior.