Twenty-four-hour averaged PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were obtained by us
ing 4-liter-per-minute-pumps and impactors in microenvironments of a busy s
hopping district and a university hospital campus. In both areas, most peop
le live directly adjacent to their worksites - minimizing the need to measu
re commuting exposure as part of total daily exposure. Co-located samplers
were set in indoor microenvironments, the near-ambient zone of the househol
ds, and at nearby streetside central ambient monitoring stations. Smoking a
nd use of other indoor PM sources were recorded daily via questionnaires. C
onsistent with previous studies, smoking and the use of charcoal stoves inc
reased indoor particulate matter levels. The sampled air-conditioned hospit
al area had substantially lower particle concentrations than outdoors. A si
mple total exposure model was used to estimate the human exposure. The aver
aged ratios of co-located PM2.5/PM10 concentrations in various microenviron
ments are reported for each location. A single daily indoor average PM10 co
ncentration for all households measured in a given sampling day is calculat
ed for correlation analysis. Results showed that day-to-day fluctuations of
these calculated indoor PM10 levels correlated well with near-ambient data
and moderately well with ambient data collected at the nearby central moni
toring site. This implies that ambient monitors are able to capture the dai
ly variations of indoor PM levels or even personal exposure and may help ex
plain the robust association of ambient PM levels and health effects found
in many epidemiological studies. Absolute PM exposures, however, were subst
antially underestimated by ambient monitors in the shopping district, proba
bly because of strong local sources.