Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is an angioproliferative disease characterized by pro
liferation of spindle-shaped cells predominantly of endothelial cell origin
, neoangiogenesis, inflammatory cell infiltration, and edema. At least in e
arly stage, KS behaves as a reactive lesion sustained by the action of infl
ammatory cytokines and growth factors, has a polyclonal nature, and can reg
ress. However, in time it can become monoclonal, especially in the nodular
stage, evolving into a true sarcoma, likely in association with the increas
ed expression of antiapoptotic oncogenes, We have recently demonstrated by
immunohistochemical analysis that Bcl-2, a proto-oncogene known to prolong
cellular viability and to antagonize apoptosis, is highly expressed in spin
dle cells and vessels of both AIDS-KS and classical KS lesions and that its
expression increases with lesion stage. Paclitaxel, a microtubule-stabiliz
ing drug known to inhibit Bcl-2 antiapoptotic activity and to be highly eff
ective in the treatment of certain neoplasms, has recently been found to be
active also in patients with advanced HIV-associated KS. Zn this report we
investigated the mechanism(s) of paclitaxel activity in KS, By using a mod
el of experimental KS induced by the inoculation of KS-derived spindle cell
s in nude mice and primary cultures of KS spindle cells, we found that pacl
itaxel promotes regression of RS lesions in vivo and that it blocks the gro
wth, migration, and invasion of KS cells in vitro. Furthermore, paclitaxel
treatment promoted apoptosis and down-regulated Bcl-2 protein expression in
KS cells in vitro and in KS-like lesions in mice. Our results suggest that
paclitaxel interferes with KS by down-regulating Bcl-2 antiapoptotic effec