Time series are often generated by continuous sampling or measurement of na
tural or social phenomena. In many cases, events cannot be represented by i
ndividual records, but instead must be represented by time series segments
(temporal intervals). A consequence of this segment-based approach is that
the analysis of events is reduced to analysis of occurrences of time series
patterns that match segments representing the events.
A major obstacle on the path toward event analysis is the lack of query lan
guages for expressing interesting time series patterns. We have introduced
SQL/LPP (Perng and Parker, 1999). Which provides fairly strong expressive p
ower for time series pattern queries, and are now able to attack the proble
m of specifying queries that analyze temporal coupling, i.e., temporal rela
tionships obeyed by occurrences of two or more patterns.
In this paper, we propose SQL/LPP+, a temporal coupling verification langua
ge for time series databases. Based on the pattern definition language of S
QL/LPP (Perng and Parker, 1999), SQL/LPP+ enables users to specify a query
that looks for occurrences of a cascade of multiple patterns using one or m
ore of Allen's temporal relationships (Allen, 1983) and obtain desired aggr
egates or meta-aggregates of the composition. Issues of pattern composition
control are also discussed.