Isolated splenic metastasis arising from colorectal carcinoma is very rare
and there has been only 6 cases reported in the English literature. A new c
ase is presented, and its possible pathogenesis was considered with previou
sly reported cases. A 65-year-old male patient had received a right hemicol
ectomy for ascending colon cancer 36 months earlier. I-le was followed up r
egularly with serial measurement of serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), R
ising serum CEA was discovered from 33 months postoperatively and CT reveal
ed an isolated splenic metastasis. He therefore underwent splenectomy, whic
h was proven to be a metastatic adenocarcinoma with similar histological fe
ature to the original tumor. As all reported cases showed elevated serum CE
A at the time of metastasis, isolated splenic metastasis might be associate
d with CEA in regard to its biological functions of immunosuppression and a