In this paper, we present results on the development of an anisotropic crys
talline etching simulation (ACES) program based on a continuous cellular au
tomata (CA) model. The program provides improved spatial resolution and acc
uracy compared with the conventional and stochastic CA methods. Implementat
ion of a three-dimensional (3-D) dynamic CA technique provides increased si
mulation speed and reduced memory requirement. The first AGES software base
d on common personal computer platforms has been realized for simulation of
micromachining processes and visualizing results in 3-D space. The softwar
e is uniquelv capable of simulating the resultant profile following a serie
s of micromachining steps, including surface passivation, reactive ion etch
ing, as well as wet chemical bulk etching. A novel method for accurately ob
taining the etch-rate diagram of anisotropic etching using both experimenta
l and numerical techniques has been developed.