General criteria for the diagnosis of personality disorder are provided bas
ed on rating a few items describing four core features of personality disor
der: (a) low Self-directedness, (b) low Cooperativeness, (c) low Affective
Stability, and (d) low Self-transcendence. These core features correspond c
losely with the basic concept of personality disorder in DSM-TV and are bas
ed on specific items easy for clinicians to rate in a short time. Criteria
are also provided for rating severity of personality disorganization and fo
r subtyping based on a profile of three additional dimensions corresponding
to core features of DSM-TV clusters A, B, and C. This approach should faci
litate efficient screening in clinical practice, encourage an understanding
of the development of comorbidity as a self-organizing process, and provid
e a theory-driven basis for therapeutic planning with drugs and psychothera