DNA-binding drugs have been reported to be able to interfere with the activ
ity of transcription factors in a sequence-dependent manner, leading to alt
eration of transcription. This and similar effects could have important pra
ctical applications in the experimental therapy of many human pathologies,
including neoplastic diseases and viral infections. The analysis of the bio
logical activity of DNA-binding drugs by footprinting, gel retardation, pol
ymerase chain reaction, and in vitro transcription studies does not allow a
real time study of binding to DNA and dissociation of the generated drugs/
DNA complexes. The recent development of biosensor technologies for biospec
ific interaction analysis (BIA) enables monitoring of a variety of molecula
r reactions in real-time by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In this study,
we demonstrate that molecular interactions between DNA-binding drugs (chro
momycin, mithramycin, distamycin, and MEN 10567) and biotinylated target DN
A probes immobilized on sensor chips is detectable by SPR technology using
a commercially available biosensor. The target DNA sequences were synthetic
oligonucleotides mimicking the Sp1, NF-kB, and TFIID binding sites of the
long terminal repeat of the human immunodeficiency type 1 virus. The result
s obtained demonstrate that mithramycin/DNA complexes are less stable than
chromomycin/DNA complexes; distamycin binds to both NF-kB and TATA box olig
onucleotides, but distamycin/(NF-kB) DNA complexes are not stable; the dist
amycin analog MEN 10567 binds to the NF-kB mer and the generated drug/DNA c
omplexes are stable. The experimental approach described in this study allo
ws fast analysis of molecular interactions between DNA-binding drugs and se
lected target DNA sequences. Therefore, this method could be used to identi
fy new drugs exhibiting differential binding activities to selected regions
of viral and eukaryotic gene promoters.