The concurrent, criterion-related and discriminant validity of four of the
MMPI-2 content scales were examined within a population of 309 patients bei
ng evaluated for the treatment of chronic pain. Utilizing both self-report
and therapist-derived criteria, the MMPI-2 content scales designed to asses
s symptoms of anxiety (ANX), depression (DEP), low self-esteem (LSE), and a
nger (ANG) demonstrated the ability to provide valid information beyond tha
t provided by the traditional MMPI-2 clinical and validity indices. Further
, a multi-trait/multi-method analytic approach revealed; (I) strong discrim
inant validity for the ANG content scale and (2) substantial variance overl
ap among all the self-report measures of subjective distress, compromising
our efforts to evaluate the discriminant validity of the ANX, DEP, and LSE
content scales.