Invariant theory is an important issue in equivariant bifurcation theory. D
ynamical systems with wreath product symmetry arise in many areas of applie
d science. In this paper we develop the invariant theory of wreath product
L(sic)G where L is a compact Lie group (in some cases, a finite group) and
G is a finite permutation group. For compact L we find the quadratic and cu
bic equivariants of L(sic)G in terms of those of L and G. These results are
sufficient for the classification of generic steady-state branches, whenev
er the appropriate representation of L(sic)G is 3-determined. When L is com
pact we also prove that the Molien series of L and G determine the Molien s
eries of L(sic)G. Finally we obtain 'homogeneous systems of parameters' for
rings of invariants and modules of equivariants of wreath products when L
is finite. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. MSC. 13A50,
34A47, 58F14, 20C40, 20C35.