A geochemical survey carried out in November 1993 revealed that Lake Quilot
oa was composed by a thin (similar to 14 m) oxic epilimnion overlying a sim
ilar to 200 m-thick anoxic hypolimnion. Dissolved CO2 concentrations reache
d 1000 mg/kg in the lower stratum. Loss of CO2 from epilimnetic waters, fol
lowed by calcite precipitation and a consequent lowering in density, was th
e apparent cause of the stratification.
The Cl, SO4 and HCO3 contents of Lake Quilotoa are intermediate between tho
se of acid-SO4-Cl Crater lakes and those of neutral-HCO3 Crater lakes, indi
cating that Lake Quilotoa has a 'memory' of the inflow and absorption of HC
l- and S-bearing volcanic (magmatic) gases. The Mg/Ca ratios of the lake wa
ters are governed by dissolution of local volcanic rocks or magmas, but K/N
a ratios were likely modified by precipitation of alunite, a typical minera
l in acid-SO4-Cl Crater lakes.
The constant concentrations of several conservative chemical species from l
ake surface to lake bottom suggest that physical, chemical and biological p
rocesses did not have enough time, after the last overturn, to cause signif
icant changes in the contents of these chemical species. This lapse of time
might be relatively large, but it cannot be established on the basis of av
ailable data. Besides, the lake may not be close to steady state. Mixing of
Lake Quilotoa waters could presently be triggered by either cooling epilim
netic waters by similar to 4 degrees C or providing heat to hypolimnetic wa
ters or by seismic activity.
Although Quilotoa lake contains a huge amount of dissolved CO2 (similar to
3 x 10(11) g), at present the risk of a dangerous limnic eruption seems to
be nil even though some gas exsolution might occur if deep lake waters were
brought to the surface. Carbon dioxide could build up to higher levels in
deep waters than at present without any volcanic re-awakening, due to eithe
r a large inflow of relatively cool CO2-rich gases, or possibly a long inte
rval between overturns. Periodical geochemical surveys of Lake Quilotoa are
, therefore, recommended. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve