HEF1 (human enhancer of filamentation 1) is a member of a docking protein f
amily that includes p130(Cas) and Efs. Through assembly of multiple protein
interactions at focal adhesion sites, these proteins activate signaling ca
scades in response to integrin receptor binding of the extracellular matrix
. The HEF1 protein is cell cycle regulated, with full-length forms cleaved
in mitosis at a caspase consensus site to generate an aminoterminal 55-kDa
form that localizes to the mitotic spindle. The identification of a caspase
cleavage site in HEF1 led us to investigate whether HEF1 belongs to a sele
ct group of caspase substrates cleaved in apoptosis to promote the morpholo
gical changes characteristic of programmed cell death. Significantly, induc
ing expression of HEF1 in MCF-7 or HeLa cells causes extensive apoptosis, a
s assessed by multiple criteria. Endogenous HEF1 is cleaved into 65- and 55
-kDa fragments and a newly detected 28-kDa form in response to the inductio
n of apoptosis, paralleling cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and foc
al adhesion kinase (FAK); the death-promoting activity of over-expressed HE
F1 is associated with production of the 28-kDa form. While the generation o
f the cleaved HEF1 forms is caspase dependent, the accumulation of HEF1 for
ms is further regulated by the proteasome, as the proteasome inhibitors N-a
cetyl-L-leucinyl-L-leucinyl-L-norleucinyl and lactacystin enhance their sta
bility. Finally, the induction of HEF1 expression also increases Jun N-term
inal protein kinase (JNK) activation, and activated JNK colocalizes with HE
F1, implicating this pathway in HEF1 action. Based on these results, we pro
pose that dysregulation of HEF1 and its family members along with FAK may s
ignal the destruction of focal adhesion sites and regulate the onset of apo