Garner found that observers judged the sensory ratio of 1:2 invalidly; howe
ver, it is possible that in Garner's experiment judgments were influenced b
y the different sets of variable stimuli used for the test. This paper repo
rts an experiment designed to test the validity of the judged sensory ratio
of 1:2 without using different sets of variable stimuli. Bipolar continua
of brightness and darkness were used. Participants first adjusted a brightn
ess so that it was the double of a standard brightness located between the
middle and the black end of the brightness continuum and subsequently adjus
ted a brightness so that it was the double of this double (the quadruple of
the original standard brightness), or adjusted a darkness so that it was t
he double of a standard darkness located between the middle and the white e
nd of the darkness continuum and subsequently adjusted a darkness so that i
t was the double of this double (the quadruple of the original standard dar
kness). Participants reported quadruples of each standard even if such quad
ruples could not exist on the bipolar continuum. This confirms that partici
pants judged the sensory ratio of 1:2 invalidly.