SmB6 exhibits intermediate valence in the ground state and unusual behavior
at low temperatures. The resistivity and the Hall effect cannot be explain
ed either by conventional sf hybridization or by hopping transport in an im
purity band. At least three different energy scales determine three tempera
ture regimes of electron transport in this system. We consider the ground-s
tate properties, the soft valence fluctuations, and the spectrum of band ca
rriers in n-doped SmB6. The behavior of excess conduction electrons in the
presence of soft valence fluctuations, and the origin of the three energy s
cales in the spectrum of elementary excitations are discussed. The carriers
which determine the low-temperature transport in this system are self-trap
ped electron polaron complexes rather than simply electrons in an impurity
band. The mechanism of electron trapping is the interaction with soft valen
ce fluctuations.