Early in the development of plant evolutionary biology, genetic drift, fluc
tuations in population size, and isolation were identified as critical proc
esses that affect the course of evolution in plant species. Attempts to ass
ess these processes in natural populations became possible only with the de
velopment of neutral genetic markers in the 1960s. More recently, the appli
cation of historically ordered neutral molecular variation (within the conc
eptual framework of coalescent theory) has allowed a reevaluation of these
microevolutionary processes. Gene genealogies trace the evolutionary relati
onships among haplotypes (alleles) with populations. Processes such as sele
ction, fluctuation in population size, and population substructuring affect
the geographical and genealogical relationships among these alleles. There
fore, examination of these genealogical data can provide insights into the
evolutionary history of a species. For example, studies of Arabidopsis thal
iana have suggested that this species underwent rapid expansion, with popul
ations showing little genetic differentiation. The new discipline of phylog
eography examines the distribution of allele genealogies in an explicit geo
graphical context. Phylogeographic studies of plants have documented the re
colonization of European tree species from refugia subsequent to Pleistocen
e glaciation, and such studies have been instructive in understanding the o
rigin and domestication of the crop cassava. Currently, several technical l
imitations hinder the widespread application of a genealogical approach to
plant evolutionary studies. However, as these technical issues are solved,
a genealogical approach holds great promise for understanding these previou
sly elusive processes in plant evolution.