Over a twenty-year period, condensed matter physicists and physical chemist
s have elucidated a series of scaling laws which successfully describe the
size dependence of solid state properties [1,2]. Often the experiments were
performed under somewhat exotic conditions, for instance on mass-selected
clusters isolated in molecular beams or on quantum dots grown by molecular
beam epitaxy and interrogated at low temperatures and in high magnetic fiel
ds. As a result, we now have an understanding of how thermodynamic, optical
, electrical, and magnetic properties evolve from the atomic to the solid s
tate limit. This area of research is presently undergoing a remarkable tran
sformation. The scaling laws, previously the direct subject of research, no
w provide a tool for the design of advanced new materials. In the case of c
olloidal quantum dots, or semiconductor nanocrystals, these new insights ar
e poised to have impact in disciplines remote from solid state physics [3].