Although more and more libraries are offering electronic mail reference ser
vices, little information about these services has been reported. We conduc
ted an exploratory survey to examine public library e-mail reference servic
es and the patrons who use them. Data collection techniques included a ques
tionnaire mailed to participating libraries and a Web-based questionnaire c
ompleted by library patrons. Data gathered included: (1) information on the
provision and administration of e-mail reference services provided by publ
ic libraries across the United States; (2) characteristics of public librar
y a-mail reference patrons and their satisfaction with the service they rec
eived; and (3) classification of e-mail reference questions received by pub
lic libraries. Characteristics of the e-mail reference services varied cons
iderably, but the patrons, citing ease and convenience as the major reasons
for using such services, were mostly satisfied with what they received.