The responses in growing pigs to balanced diets at different dietary energy
levels are estimated from published data after recalculation of digestible
energy (DE) levels using standard tables. Although responses in live weigh
t gain (ADG), food intake (FI), digestible energy intake (DEI) and food con
version effciency (FCE) are calculated it was not the purpose of this paper
to quantify the absolute relationship between these variables and dietary
energy levels but rather to apply the general responses to formulate feeds
to optimize profit margins. Linear regressions of ADG, Fl, DEI and FCE on D
E accounted for 82, 97, 97 and 93%, respectively, of the variation amongst
the 15 estimates of the responses. Most of this variation was accounted for
by difference amongst the constant term of the various experiments, which
implies small differences amongst the slopes. The genotype of pig and live
weight were found to be important in influencing the rate of response in so
me characteristics. The optimum nutrient density of the feed chosen will de
pend upon the efficiency of feed utilization, the cost of the feed and the
income derived from the end product. The energy level at which margin over
feed costs are maximised will be the optimum nutrient density.