Objective To evaluate the accuracy of sonographic detection of endometrial
polyps using a new ultrasound marker? denoted 'the bright edge of the polyp
Methods The ultrasound scans of the uterus were examined for the presence o
f the bright edge in two groups of women. The first, a retrospective group,
included 40 womwn in whom both a histological diagnosis of endometriirl po
lyps and sonographic scans were available for evaluation. The second, a pro
spective group, included 80 women scheduled for operative hysteroscopy beca
use of endometrial irregularities detected by sonography. In this group the
hysteroscopical and histological results of the removed endometrial tissue
were correlated with the sonographic diagnosis.
Results In the retrospective group, the bright edge marker, indicative of t
he presence of a polyp, was detected in 30 out of 40 scans available for ev
aluation. In the prospective group this marker was detected in 60 women out
of 80. Endometrial polyps were confirmed in 56 of these 60 women. In three
cases a submucosal myoma was found and in one case the histology showed si
mple cystic hyperplasia. Two polyps were found in 20 cases where the bright
Edge had not been detected. This marker has a sensitivity of 96%, specific
ity of 82%, positive predictive value of 93 %, and negative predictive valu
e of 90% in this group at high risk for endometrial abnormalities.
Conclusion The bright edge of the polyp is an accurate sonographic market f
or the detection of endometrial polyps in women with Endometrial irregulari
ties demonstrated on ultrasound.