The effects of smoking a cigarette or wearing a transdermal nicotine patch
on mood and lexical decision-making were tested in eight smokers. Each part
icipant was tested after 4 hours of smoking abstinence, under 4 conditions:
placebo (very low nicotine) cigarette, nicotine cigarette, placebo patch,
and nicotine patch. Relative to placebo, wearing the nicotine patch reduced
Profile of Mood States (POMS) Total Mood Disturbance and Fatigue/Inertia s
cores, while increasing the speed of some types of lexical decisions. Smoki
ng a nicotine cigarette did not affect reaction times, but unexpectedly dec
reased the accuracy of Word/Nonword lexical decisions. Thus, transdermal ni
cotine may improve mood and facilitate longterm memory search and/or attent
ional processes in nicotine-deprived smokers. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd