Leucaena leucoephala is an important nitrogen fixing multipurpose toe recom
mended for shallow vertisols. It is a low fuel wood producer and is highly
susceptible to psyllid bug, resulting in very low profit and affecting qual
ity and quantity of forage. To identify suitable genotypes for minor timber
and forage production, two separate studies were carried our at Regional R
esearch Station, Bijapur (Karnataka) during 1990-95 and 1992-95, respective
ly. Results of first study indicated that among the eight genotypes, variet
y K-636 (L. leucocephala) produced high woody biomass and less seed, and ha
d greater tolerance to psyllid bug. Hereropsylla cubana (Crawford) was foun
d suitable for minor timber. In the second study, among 10 genotypes, prove
nance K-740 (L. collensi) was found better Cor forage production, since it
was resistant to psyllid bug, which is detrimental for Leucaena based forag
e production system.