Antibodies against CD66 identify antigens from the carcinoembryonic antigen
(CEA) family of proteins, which belong to the immunoglobulin gene superfam
ily. Despite being usually restricted to cells of myeloid or monocytic orig
in, CD66 expression has also been reported in blasts from children with B-c
ell Lineage acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL). An analysis of the CD66 expr
ession was undertaken in a series of acute leukaemia patients. Antigenic ex
pression was analysed using triple combinations of monoclonal antibodies (m
Abs) in forty-five patients. The CD66 Kat4 fluorescein isothiocyanate clone
was purchased from Dako (Glostrup, Denmark). CD66 was expressed in 2 of 29
patients with AML (acute myeloblastic leukemia) (6.8%) and in 8 of 12 pati
ents with B-cell lineage ALL (66.7%; P<0.001); in blast crisis (BC) of chro
nic myelocytic leukaemia (CML), CD66 was expressed in two patients with lym
phoid BC but not in the two with myeloid BC. The co-expression of CD66 with
other myeloid antigens was observed in all CD66+ ALL/ Ly-BC cases tested:
CD 13 in six patients, CD33 in seven and CD117 in two patients. The CD66 ex
pression is more frequent in ALL than in AML. Furthermore, we analysed mini
mal residual disease (MRD) in eight patients in complete remission. CD66 ex
pression was associated with an abnormal B-cell differentiation pattern and
with increases in CD34/CD19+ cells in all but one case. These findings sug
gest that an aberrant expression of CD66 could be used to investigate MRD i
n ALL. The association between CD66 reactivity and bcr-abl in adult ALL rem
ains to be investigated.