Vigabatrin is an anti-epileptic drug particularly useful for drug-resistant
partial seizures and infantile spasms. Recently, vigabatrin-induced visual
field constriction (VFC) and abnormal ocular electrophysiological studies
were reported. In this study, we assessed visual fields, visual evoked pote
ntials (VEPs), and electroretinography (ERG) in children treated with vigab
atrin. Twenty-four visually asymptomatic children underwent a clinical opht
halmological examination, perimetry when appropriate, and VEP and ERG. Thir
teen patients had at least one abnormal study. VFC was seen in 11 of 17 pat
ients who had perimetry; 5 of 15 patients who underwent VEP testing and 4 o
f 11 who underwent ERG testing had abnormal examinations. For the most part
, abnormal VEPs and ERGs were found in children who also had VFC. There was
a consistent trend for longer treatment periods to correlate with VFC, abn
ormal ERGs, and VEPs. In summary, over half of the children treated with vi
gabatrin demonstrated VFC or abnormal ocular electrophysiological studies.
Perimetry seemed to be the most sensitive modality for identifying vigabatr
in toxicity, Abnormal ERGs and VEPs were primarily seen in children with VF
C and may be useful in monitoring children who are not appropriate candidat
es for perimetry. Although the incidence of vigabatrin-induced VFC is worri
some, in the context of intractable seizures or infantile spasms, therapeut
ic benefits must be weighed against risks.