There are no national dietary surveys regarding nutrient intake of Argentin
e population. On the other hand, nutrient content of foods in Argentina, as
in other Latin American countries, is unknown because there are no data on
food composition. Therefore, nutrient intakes must be calculated using for
eign composition tables. in relation to vitamin A nutritional status, high
prevalence of low vitamin A intake and low plasma retinol levels have been
found in the eighties in several groups of universitary students. In this r
eport, results of a 7-day dietary survey of students attending the course o
f Nutrition in the Universities of Buenos Aires, Lujan and Tucuman are pres
ented. Information was processed in a PC Computer (VAN Program, Lujan Unive
rsity, Argentina) to obtain the mean daily intake of carotenes with and wit
hout provitamin A activity, according to the German Food Composition Tables
. The results showed that provitamin A carotenes provided between 40 and 82
% of the vitamin A recommended allowances and that about 20% of the populat
ion had total carotene intake lower than 4 mg/day. These results are in agr
eement with other dietary surveys carried out in students in previous years
and are a consequence of some characteristic feeding habits of the Argenti
ne population. In order to obtain more reasonable results regarding actual
intakes in our population, study of the composition of national foods would
be imperative.