Abduction is an inference mechanism where given a knowledge base and some o
bservations, the reasoner tries to find hypotheses which together with the
knowledge base explain the observations. A reasoning based on such an infer
ence mechanism is referred to as abductive reasoning. Given a theory and so
me observations, by filtering the theory with the observations, we mean sel
ecting only those models of the theory that entail the observations. Entail
ment with respect to these selected models is referred to as filter entailm
ent. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions when abducti
ve reasoning with respect to a theory and some observations is equivalent t
o the corresponding filter entailment. We then give sufficiency conditions
for particular knowledge representation formalisms that guarantee that abdu
ctive reasoning can indeed be done through filtering and present examples f
rom the knowledge representation literature where abductive reasoning is do
ne through filtering. We extend the notions of abductive reasoning and filt
er entailment to allow preferences among explanations and models respective
ly and give conditions when they are equivalent. Finally, we give a weaker
notion of abduction and abductive reasoning and show the later to be equiva
lent to filter entailment under less restrictive conditions. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.