Artificial cells are prepared in the laboratory for medical and biotechnolo
gical applications. The earliest routine clinical use of artificial cells i
s in the form of coated activated charcoal for hemoperfusion. Implantation
of encapsulated cells are being studied for the treatment of diabetes, live
r failure and the use of encapsulated genetically engineered cells for gene
therapy, We recently found that daily orally administered artificial cells
containing a genetically engineered microorganism can lower the elevated u
rea level in uremic rats to normal levels and increase the survival of the
animal. Furthermore, this can remove potassium, phosphate, uric acid and ot
her waste metabolites from uremic plasma. Blood substitutes based on modifi
ed hemoglobin are already in phase-ill clinical trials in patients with as
much as 20 units infused into each patient during trauma surgery. Artificia
l cells containing enzymes are being developed for clinical trials in hered
itary enzyme deficiency diseases and other diseases. Artificial cells are a
lso being investigated for drug delivery and other uses in biotechnology, c
hemical engineering and medicine. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.