Consultant dermatologists in the U.K. have been reporting to EPIDERM, a vol
untary surveillance scheme for occupational skin disease, since February 19
93; reporting by occupational physicians to the scheme began in May 1994 an
d was superseded in January 1996 by OPRA (Occupational Physicians Reporting
Activity). Currently 244 dermatologists and 790 occupational physicians re
port incident cases to these schemes. During the 6 years to January 1999 a
total of 12,574 new cases of occupational skin disease was estimated from r
eports by consultant dermatologists and 10,136 cases estimated from occupat
ional physicians (since May 1994), The annual incidence of occupational con
tact dermatitis using data from both schemes was 12.9 per 100,000 workers,
The incidence of contact dermatitis per 100,000 workers increased with age
in men from 4.9 (age 16-29 years) to 6.6 (age 45-60 years); in women a high
er rate (9.5) was apparent in the younger age group, with lower rates in ol
der female workers. High rates in young workers were associated with wet wo
rk and in older workers with exposure to oils. For men, high rates of conta
ct dermatitis were seen in reports from both schemes for chemical operative
s, machine tool setters and operatives, coach and spray painters and metal
workers. For women, high rates were found for hairdressers. biological scie
ntists and laboratory workers, nurses and those working in catering. The mo
st frequent agents for contact dermatitis were rubber chemicals and materia
ls (14.1% of cases reported by dermatologists), soaps and cleaners (12.7%),
nickel (11.9%), wet work (11.1%), personal protective equipment (6.2%), pe
troleum products (6.3%), cutting oils and coolants (5.6%), and epoxy and ot
her resins (6.1%). In the 1608 estimated cases of shin cancer all but 4% we
re attributed to ultraviolet radiation, Cases of contact urticaria attribut
ed to latex peaked in 1996, with a decline in cases since that time.