Our studies of the humoral responses of tuberculosis (TB) patients have def
ined the repertoire of culture filtrate antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculo
sis that are recognized by antibodies from cavitary and noncavitary TB pati
ents and demonstrated that the profile of antigens recognized changes with
disease progression (K. Samanich et al., J. Infect. Dis. 178:1534-1538, 199
8). We have identified several antigens with strong serodiagnostic potentia
l. In the present study we hare evaluated the reactivity of cohorts of huma
n immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative, smear-positive; HIV-negative, smea
r-negative; and HIV-infected TB patients, with three of the candidate antig
ens. an 88-kDa protein, antigen (Ag) 85C, and MPT32, and compared the react
ivity of the same patient cohort with the 38-kDa antigen and Ag 85A, We hav
e also compared the reactivity of native Ag 85C and MPT32 with their recomb
inant counterparts. The evaluation of the reactivity was done by a modified
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay described earlier (S. Laal et al,, Clin,
Diag, Lab. Immunol, 4:49-56, 1997, in which all sera are preadsorbed again
st Escherichia coli lysates to reduce the levels of cross-reactive antibodi
es. Our results demonstrate that (i) antigens identified on the basis of th
eir reactivity with TB patients' sera pro,ide high sensitivities for serodi
agnosis, (ii) recombinant Ag 85C and MPT32, expressed in E. coli, show redu
ced reactivity with human TB sera, and (iii) of the panel of antigens teste
d, the 88-kDa protein is the most promising candidate for serodiagnosis of
TB in HIV-infected individuals. Moreover, these results reaffirm that both
the extent of the disease and the bacterial load may play a role in determi
ning the antigen profile recognized by antibodies.