Collaboration between research centres has existed for a long time, but the
possibility of obtaining external funding has been an extra motive for cen
tres to participate in international networks, This paper discusses the opp
ortunities and limitations of international networking based upon the case
of the CityHealth Research Network in which the authors participated, They
reflect upon the functioning of European networking in practice and highlig
ht aspects that could be improved, The structure, organization and function
ing of the CityHealth Research Network are considered as well as its influe
nce on research output, furthermore, recommendations are formulated on esta
blishing and implementing a coherent and efficient cross-national research
network, It is not a one-sided success story about collaboration between in
ternational research teams, but rather a reflection upon the learning exper
iences and the successes achieved within this network, In general, the comp
lexity of networking between research teams from different countries not on
ly seems to be a challenge for research practice, but it also provides a ch
allenging topic for scientific inquiry itself.