Tourism, and associated commercial activities have led to physical damage a
nd discolouration of the famous white travertine terraces at Pamukkale, a W
orld Heritage Site. To mitigate these environmental impacts, scientific stu
dies were started in 1993 by UKAM and the Ministry of Culture. These show t
hat an aquifer within Paleozoic marbles and Mesozoic limestones, with a cap
acity of delivering 510 l/s, feeds the hot springs associated with the terr
aces. The discolouration results from algae, whose growth is enhanced by th
e use of open channels to convey the water to swimming pools, and by subseq
uent discharge of the water onto the terraces. Leakage of effluent from sep
tic tanks has encouraged algal growth near the base of the terraces. To pro
tect the terraces and enhance travertine deposition, covered concrete chann
els have been built to reduce algal growth and a road across the terraces c
losed. Recommendations for additional protective measures include reduction
in commercial tourist activities, removal of septic tanks and swimming poo
ls, prohibition of walking on the terraces, and the creation of special reg
ulation and protected zones. (C) 2000 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Lt
d. All rights reserved.