Of the numerous viruses that have been implicated as causes of viral inflam
matory cardiomyopathy, only the 6 serotypes of the group B coxsackieviruses
(CVB 1-6) and adenovirus type 2 (Ad 2) have been regularly linked to heart
disease on the ba sis of both clinical investigations as well as animal mo
dels (in the case of the coxsackieviruses). Of these, only the coxsackievir
uses offer a truly well-characterized system for not only investigations us
ing a small animal disease model (myocarditis in mice) but for studies of t
he virus at the molecular level and in cell culture systems. The pending wo
rldwide eradication of the related enteroviruses, the polioviruses, will fu
rther emphasize the importance of the coxsackieviruses in years to come. St
udies using poliovirus have shown that enteroviruses can be attenuated for
disease to create highly successful and safe hu-man vaccines. Furthermore,
using recombinant DNA approaches, strains of polioviruses have been created
that demonstrate a human enterovirus can express small proteins as well as
foreign antigenic epitopes, thus creating multivalent chimeric vaccine str
ains of virus. Our laboratory has been exploring coxsackievirus 3-based vec
tors as models for both multivalent chimeric vaccines as well as expression
vectors. The coxsackievirus can be successfully attenuated using both poin
t mutations as well as chimeric genome technology. The coxsackievirus can a
lso express intact small proteins in biologically active form as well as an
tigenic epitopes. Although it is doubtful that the marketplace will support
the development of antiviral vaccines to combat human heart disease at pre
sent, the technology exists to make such vaccines a reality.