A segregated feed model linked to the population balance, which includes mi
cromixing and mesomixing effects together with crystallization and agglomer
ation kinetics, is proposed for scaling up reactive precipitation processes
. The model is solved using kinetic parameters extracted from laboratory-sc
ale experiments together with local mixing parameters obtained from a compu
tational fluid dynamics simulation. Predicted particle size characteristics
are compared with experimental data collected on three different scales of
operation (range 0.3-25 L) using the aqueous calcium oxalate system. The h
ybrid precipitation-mixing model accurately predicts mixing effects observe
d during the continuous mode of operation, including a maximum in the mean
particle size and coefficient of variation with increasing power input on e
ach of the three different scales. The influence of mixing on the mean part
icle size in semibatch operation is found to be more pronounced owing to th
e direct mixing of the feed solution with the other component already prese
nt in the reactor, and is also correctly predicted by the hybrid model.