The critical temperature of a cadmium-gallium mixture is increased fro
m 295-degrees-C to 328-degrees-C by the addition of mercury. This maxi
mum critical temperature is attained at a mole fraction mercury x(Hg)
= 0.2 and a mole fraction gallium x(Ga) = 0.5. Isothermal sections thr
ough the ternary phase diagram between 295 and 328-degrees-C contain a
n isolated miscibility gap with two critical points. The ternary liqui
d is described by an Ising model. A hierarchy of three successively be
tter mathematical approximations for the entropy function: point, pair
and tetrahedron approximation, is briefly delineated. Equations are g
iven to express the composition and the temperature of the ternary cri
tical point in the three quasi-chemical interaction coefficients. Comp
aring the calculated miscibility gap with the experimentally determine
d one shows that the Ising model predicts too high ternary critical te
mperatures. Taking into account 3- and 4-particle interaction, the bin
ary cadmium-gallium binodale is described in a better way. However, th
e calculated ternary maximal critical temperature is still too high.