Requests by patients or their families for treatment which the patient
's physician considers to be ''inappropriate'' are becoming more frequ
ent than refusals of treatment which the physician considers appropria
te. Such requests are often based on the patient's religious beliefs a
bout the attributes of God (sovereignty, omnipotence), the attributes
of persons (sanctity of life), or the individual's personal relationsh
ip with God (communication, commands, etc). We present four such cases
and discuss some of the basic religious tenets of the three Abrahamic
faith traditions as they relate to such requests. We suggest that rel
igious reasons for requesting ''inappropriate'' treatment are ''specia
l'' and deserve serious consideration. We offer guidance to assist cli
nicians and clinical ethicists as they attempt to resolve these confli
cts, emphasising the importance of understanding the religious beliefs
of the patient/surrogate and suggesting the assistance of a religious
interpreter. We suggest open discussion with patients and families of
both the clinical situation and the theological basis for these reque
sts. We also suggest that clinicians use additional religious doctrine
s or principles from patients' own traditions to balance the reasons b
ehind the requests. We conclude that most persistent requests for ''in
appropriate'' treatment should be honoured.