For in vitro capacitation to occur in cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fasciculari
s) spermatozoa, there is an absolute requirement for exogenous stimulation
with the sperm activators, caffeine (1 mM) and db-cyclic adenosine monophos
phate (dbcAMP) (1 mM), which are known to induce capacitation-related hyper
activated motility. Tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm tail proteins is an i
ntegral component of this caffeine- and dbcAMP-stimulated hyperactivated mo
tility. In both capacitated and noncapacitated human spermatozoa, progester
one (P-4) has been reported to elicit an immediate, potent increase in intr
acellular calcium ion concentrations [Ca2+](i). The objective of this study
was to examine the effects of progesterone on requisite events in macaque
fertilization, including [Ca2+](i), hyperactivated motility, and the concom
itant tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm tail (STTP) proteins after treatmen
t with caffeine and dbcAMP. The effect of 1)LM of progesterone on [Ca2+](i)
was determined by spectrofluorometry with the fluorescent indicator, fura-
2/ AM, on hyperactivated motility using computer analysis (HTM-IVOS) with t
he sorting criteria lateral head amplitude (greater than or equal to 8.0 mu
m), curvilinear velocity (greater than or equal to 150 mu m/s), linearity
(greater than or equal to 60%), and on STTP by immunocytochemistry. The res
ults showed that progesterone elicited a significant increase in [Ca2+](i)
in caffeine- and dbcAMP-activated macaque sperm with maximal stimulation at
30 minutes after activation. The response in nonactivated sperm was dramat
ically reduced compared with the response in activated sperm. Basal [Ca2+](
i) increased as a function of time in both activated and nonactivated contr
ol sperm although basal levels were significantly increased in activated sp
erm. Progesterone stimulation resulted in a small but significant increase
in both hyperactivation and STTP when sperm were first pretreated with caff
eine and dbcAMP. Our results provide evidence that macaque sperm activation
with caffeine and dbcAMP is required for a progesterone-elicited response,
which results in calcium influx, hyperactivated motility, and sperm tail t
yrosine phosphorylation.