Objectives: To study the variations of aetiology in the patients with acute
pyogenic iliopsoas abscess and identify the appropriate diagnostic modalit
ies as well as therapeutic alternatives (e.g, extraperitoneal or retrofasci
al percutaneous catheter drainage, PCD) other than surgery
Methods: We carried out a retrospective review and analysis of 25 patients
with acute Pyogenic iliopsoas abscess in our institution from August 1988 t
o July 1998. Blood and urine cultures, imaging studies of the plain films o
f the abdomen (KUB), ultrasonography (echo) and computed tomography (CT sca
n) were performed in all patients, The therapeutic regimens included antibi
otics only PCD or aspiration, and surgery:
Results: The male to female ratio was 7: 18, The mean age was 64 years old.
Diabetes mellitus (64%) was the dominant predisposing or associated factor
. The most common aetiological source was urinary tract infection (52%) wit
h enteric micro-organisms (Escherichia coli: 44 % and Klebsiella spp.: 24%)
. Nineteen patients (76%) had pain in the abdomen, flank or back. Sir cases
(24%) were classified as 'primary' abscess, and only. two patients survive
d. Nine eases were treated with antibiotics alone, only four responded and
the others expired. Of the 15 cases receiving PCD or aspiration five cases
received subsequent surgical drainage or nephrectomy and sun hpd. Another o
ne ease of Clostridia gas gangrene received emergency fasciotomy and expire
d, The total mortality was extremely high (11/25, 44%).
Conclusions: We concluded that: (i) the aetiology of iliopsoas abscess may
vary with the country of origin, nith a preponderance of urinary tract infe
ction in our Taiwanese series; (ii) a high index of suspicion is mandatory
to enable early diagnosis of acute pyogenic iliopsoas abscess, particularly
for older diabetic patients with fever pain in the abdomen or flank, limp
or flexion of the ipsilateral hip: (iii) CT scan can confirm the diagnosis
and define the extent of the abscess; (iv) effective management should incl
ude appropriate antibiotic therapy and drainage of the abscess; (v) image-g
uided PCD should be tried first because of its lo rv morbidity: However , s
hould it fail, subsequent surgical drainage should be performed.