Objectives: Pneumococcal bacteraemia carries a mortality of about 20%. Appr
oximately 50% of deaths from pneumococcal bacteraemia occur within the firs
t 48h of admission. In order to influence outcome, critically ill patients
should be identified at the time of presentation. This study enables the cl
inician to rapidly make an evidence-based assessment of a patient's prognos
is, allowing the identification of patients who should be placed in a high-
risk category at an early stage, when appropriate management is most likely
to be effective.
Methods: Data were collected from the medical record of history; physical e
xamination, radiological examination and laboratory investigations done on
initial presentation using a standardized proforma, The data were first exa
mined by Pearson's Chi-squared test, with Yates' correction if needed. Vari
ables found to be significantly associated with case fatality (P<0.05) by t
hese methods were examined by stepwise logistic regression analysis in orde
r to identify those factors which were independent predictors of case fatal
Results: The overall case fatality was 21%. Older age, apyrexia, tachypnoea
, bilateral consolidation, hypoalbuminaemia, elevated aminotransferases, re
nal impairment, acidosis and It leucopaenia were significantly associated w
ith higher case fatality Older age, acidosis and elevated serum alanine ami
notransferase (ALT) were independent predictors of case fatality: Fifty-fiv
e percent of isolates belonged to serotypes 4 6B, 9V: 14, 19F and 23F, to w
hich good antibody levels have been documented in both young and elderly pa
tients post-vaccination. Serotype 14 was most common, and was significantly
associated with higher case fatality Colder weather was associated with a
higher incidence of both infection and case fatality The case fatality amon
gst patients receiving ITU; management was 44%. Less than 50% of patients t
wo died received ITU management.
Conclusions: Despite the increased availability of new antibiotics and vacc
ines, the mortality of patients with pneumococcal bacteraemia remains uncha
nged. The parameters above allow early identification of patients with a hi
gher case fatality; these patients may benefit from being placed in a "high
-risk" category early on in their management. vaccination of the elderly ma
y reduce the incidence and/or mortality from pneumococcal bacteraemia. Furt
her studies are required to understand the reasons for referral for intensi
ve therapy in acute pneumococcal bacteraemia and whether ITU management aff
ects outcome. (C) 2000 The British Infection Society.