Enzymatic digestion of donor pancreases is a vital step in human and l
arge mammalian islet isolation. The variable enzymatic activities of d
ifferent batches of commercially available collagenase is a major obst
acle in achieving reproducibility in islet isolation procedures. In th
e present work, the effectiveness of Liberase, a standardized mixture
of highly purified enzymes recently developed for the separation of hu
man islets, was compared with that of a traditional collagenase prepar
ation (type P). The results of 50 islet isolations using Liberase enzy
me were compared with those of 36 isolations with collagenase, type P.
No significant differences in donor age, cold ischemia time, digestio
n time, or weight of the pancreases were observed between the two grou
ps. Islet yield was significantly higher in the group where the Libera
se enzyme was used. All parameters examined (islet number, islet numbe
r per gram of tissue, islet equivalent number, and islet equivalent nu
mber per gram of tissue) were significantly improved when Liberase enz
yme was used. Different lots of Liberase enzyme were tested, and no di
fference was observed. Islets isolated with Liberase enzyme were also
of larger size and mere much less fragmented, suggesting a gentler enz
ymatic action and better preservation of anatomical integrity. Islets
isolated with Liberase enzyme, assessed both in vitro and in vivo, rev
ealed a functional profile similar to that of islets separated with co
llagenase. Liberase enzyme appears, therefore, to represent a new powe
rful tool for improving the quality of human islet isolation.