A cloned Th1 cell line was isolated from pancreatic lymph nodes of NOD
mice that carries a T-cell receptor encoding V beta 14 and proliferat
es in response to NOD islets, islet supernatant, and crystalline bovin
e and rat insulin, specifically to a B-chain peptide bound to IA(g7).
The response to islet supernatant was reduced by 75% by anti-insulin a
ntibody treatment. The insulin-reactive clone reduced insulitis and to
tally blocked the development of spontaneous diabetes in NOD mice (n =
8) as well as the adoptive transfer of diabetes into irradiated NOD m
ice following the injection of splenocytes from diabetic mice (n = 13)
. Trafficking of the adoptively transferred cells was assessed by labe
ling the clone or diabetic splenocytes with a fluorescent marker (DiI)
. The labeled clone was detected in the islet periphery, whereas label
ed splenocytes alone invaded the islets by 3 days. In contrast, the pr
otective clone dramatically delayed and reduced the number of labeled
diabetic splenocytes infiltrating the islet, although their appearance
in the spleen was unaffected. In vitro, the clone as well as supernat
ant derived from the clone blocked the proliferation of diabetic NOD s
plenocytes to islets. This inhibitory effect was diminished by anti-tr
ansforming growth factor-beta. In conclusion, an insulin-specific Th1
cell was isolated from NOD mice that traffics to the islet and prevent
s the spontaneous development and the adoptive transfer of diabetes. I
t appears to act locally by releasing transforming growth factor-beta
and/or other factors that inhibit homing to and/or proliferation of di
abetic splenocytes within the islet. These findings may provide insigh
ts into and suggest mechanisms for the protective effects of insulin t
herapy against diabetes.