Purpose: Although cognitive-behavioral interventions have been successful i
n treating depression, no studies were found that focused solely on reducin
g negative thinking via group intervention as a means of preventing depress
ion in at-risk groups. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was
to test the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group intervention in r
educing depressive symptoms, decreasing negative thinking, and enhancing se
lf-esteem in young women at risk for depression.
Design: A randomized controlled trial with 92 college women ages 18 to 24 w
ho were at risk for depression was conducted.
Method: Participants were randomly assigned to either the control or experi
mental group. The experimental group participated in a 6-week cognitive-beh
avioral group intervention. Data on self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and n
egative thinking were collected via self-report questionnaires from control
and experimental groups at baseline, 2 month after the intervention, and a
t 6-month follow-up. Data were analyzed using mixed-model methodology and t
he Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test.
Findings: Compared to those in the control group, women who received the in
tervention had a greater decrease in depressive symptoms and negative think
ing and a greater increase in self-esteem, and these beneficial effects wer
e maintained over 6-months.
Conclusions: The findings document the effectiveness of this cognitive-beha
vioral group intervention and indicate empirical support for the beneficial
effects of reducing negative thinking by the use of affirmations and thoug
ht-stopping techniques on women's mental health.