This study was undertaken to determine whether a pulse protein feeding patt
ern was more efficient than a spread pattern to improve protein anabolism i
n young women as was already shown in elderly women. After a 15-d adaptive
period [1.2 g protein/(kg fat-free mass . d)], 16 young women (age 26 +/- 1
y) were given a 14-d diet providing 1.7 g protein/(kg fat-free mass . d),
using either a pulse pattern (protein consumed mainly in one meal, n = 8),
or a spread pattern (spreading daily protein intake over four meals, n = 8)
. Nitrogen balance was determined at the end of both the 15-d adaptive and
the 14-d experimental periods. Whole-body protein turnover was determined a
t the end of the 14-d experimental period using [N-15]glycine as an oral tr
acer. Nitrogen balance was 17 +/- 5 mg N/(kg fat-free mass . d) during the
adaptive period. It was higher during the experimental period, but not sign
ificantly different in the women fed the spread or the pulse patterns [59 /- 12 and 36 +/- 8 mg N/(kg fat-free mass . d) respectively]. No significan
t effects of the protein feeding pattern were detected on either whole-body
protein turnover [5.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 6.1 +/- 0.3 g protein/(kg fat-free mass
d) for spread and pulse pattern, respectively] or whole-body protein synthe
sis and protein breakdown. Thus, in young women, these protein feeding patt
erns did not have significantly different effects on protein retention.