A 7-day mesocosm experiment was conducted in July 1996 to investigate the e
ffects of ambient UV-B radiation (UVBR) exclusion and two UVBR enhancements
above ambient levels on NO3-, NH4+ and urea utilization in a natural plank
ton community (< 240 mu m) from the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, The phytopl
ankton community was dominated by diatoms during the first 3 days and, afte
rward, by flagellates and dinoflagellates. The results of 4-h incubations j
ust below the water surface show that, compared with ambient UVBR condition
s, UVBR exclusion generally increased NO3-, NH4+, and urea uptakes, During
the last 4 days of the experiment, the percent increase in the specific upt
ake rate of urea under excluded UVBR conditions varied between 17% and 130%
and was a linear function of the ambient UVBR dose removed. During the fir
st 3 days, the phytoplankton community dominated by diatoms was able to wit
hstand UVBR enhancements without any perceptible effect on nitrogen uptake.
However, during the post-diatom bloom period, UVBR enhancements resulted i
n decreases in NO3-, NH4+, and urea uptake compared with ambient UVBR condi
tions. The reduction of urea uptake under UVBR enhancements during the last
3 days varied between 23% and 64% and was linearly related to the enhanced
UVBR dose. However, the different UVBR treatments did not affect the inter
nal organic nitrogen composition (internal urea, free amino acids, and prot
eins) of the phytoplankton community experiencing vertical mixing in the me
socosms, The discrepancy between short-term uptake measurements at the surf
ace and long-term effects iu the mesocosms emphasizes the importance of ver
tical mixing on UVBR effects in natural ecosystems. This suggests that an i
ncrease in ambient UVBR would have a minimal effect on nitrogen utilization
by natural phytoplankton assemblages if these are vertically mixed.