The social structure of an Old World tent-making bat Cynopterus sphinx (Meg
achiroptera), was investigated in western India. A combination of census an
d mark-recapture data over 2 years (1996-98) was used to infer the form of
the mating system, compositional stability of social groups and mode of new
social group formation. The breeding population of C. sphinx was subdivide
d into diurnal roosting colonies, each of which contained one to five discr
ete roosting groups and often one or more solitary bats in adjacent roosts.
Bats most frequently roosted in stem tents constructed in the flower/fruit
clusters of the kitul palm Caryota urens. Temporal variation in social str
ucture was assessed using visual census data for a subset of the study popu
lation over 3 years (1995-98) spanning six consecutive reproductive periods
. The sex and age composition of diurnal roosting groups indicated a polygy
nous harem-forming mode of social organization, as groups invariably contai
ned a single adult male, 1-37 reproductive females and their dependent youn
g (n = 33 harems). Harem size averaged 6.1 adults in the wet season (n = 19
, SD = 3.5) and 13.6 adults in the dry season (n = 14, SD = 8.5). The same
harem social configuration was maintained year-round, despite a high degree
of synchrony and seasonality in the timing of reproduction. Juveniles of b
oth sexes dispersed after weaning and sexually immature bats were never pre
sent in harems at the time of parturition. Adult females often remained ass
ociated as roostmates from one parturition period to the next, and group co
hesion was unaffected by turnover of harem males. Adult females frequently
transferred among roosts within the same colony, and harems underwent perio
dic fissions and fusions. The founding of new harems most often resulted fr
om the fissioning of previously cohesive harems within the same colony. How
ever, some harems contained disproportionate numbers of yearling females, i
ndicating that new groups are also founded by nulliparous females of the sa
me age cohort. A significant degree of heterogeneity in age composition amo
ng harems was revealed in the 1998 dry season, but was unrelated to age-str
atification of tent roosts. Although formation of new harems may be non-ran
dom with respect to age composition of the founders, founding events are no
t restricted to newly created tents and often involve recolonization of pre
viously occupied roosts.