Staphylococcus (S.) saprophyticus belongs to the coagulase-negative staphyl
ococci and is the cause of urinary tract infections, especially in young wo
men, rarely in children and in elderly men.
Probably the real incidence of urinary tract infections due to these organi
sms is higher than usually accepted. We report on a 11 3/12-year-old girl,
who developed symptoms of a urinary tract infection (dysuria, flank pain),
but without fever and elevated CRP. In the bladder aspirate we found leukoc
ytes and 5. saprophyticus (cotrimoxazole-resistent). Ultrasound detected in
trarenal doubling, but no typical anomalies, disposing for urinary tract in
fections. The treatment with cefuroxim i.v. and clindamycin p.o. was succes
ful. Conclusion: Coagulase-negative staphylococci cultivated in urine repre
sent contamination (mostly S. epidermidis - except in patients, who have un
dergone manipulation or catheterization of the urinary tract) or they are t
he cause of an urinary tract infection (mostly 5. saprophyticus).